Financial Coaches - A Financial Coach is generally a financial professional with expertise in financial planning, accounting, taxation or another area of the financial realm. A Financial Coach serves as a neutral member of the Collaborative team.
In order to assess your financial needs, you will have to gather financial information, generate financial options and assess the reasonableness of those options for you. In order to make informed decisions, you and your spouse must each have a good understanding of the financial circumstances of the other. The thought of marshalling and analyzing this information can seem overwhelming, but never fear. Your Financial Coach will facilitate the cooperative and transparent exchange of financial information that characterizes the Collaborative process
Your Financial Coach will meet with you and your spouse and assist you to:
Cost Management – Including a Financial Coach should ultimately minimize costs and increase value. Rather than you and your spouse each working with a lawyer who assists you in compiling and analyzing financial information, you will jointly work with one Financial Coach and share his or her cost, thereby, dramatically reducing the expense that can otherwise be associated with this process.